Site hire application form
To apply to host an event within Lee Valley Regional Park, please complete this form as fully as you can. The more information given means it’s easier to assess the application and provide an accurate hire fee.
In addition to this application you must also send a copy of your event proposal / brief.
Please note:
This application must be made a minimum of 12 weeks in advance of the date of hire for small or media scale events of 24 weeks for large scale events or if a Premises License is required
All fields marked with a * must be completed – you cannot submit the form without completing these fields
Submitting this form doesn't mean your booking is confirmed.
Lee Valley Regional Park Authority is not a not a Licensing Authority, and if a license is required for the event, the Event Organiser will need to apply for this directly with the Local Authority’s Licensing Department. The Events Team can assist with this process and provide contact details.
Lee Valley Regional Park Authority reserves the right to refuse content for any hire that may be considered to be controversial or could harm the reputation of the Authority