A new future for angling at Lee Valley Regional Park
We have changed the way we manage some of our fishing venues to give anglers a better experience. After carrying out the lengthy review of the eight angling sites we directly run, we decided that anglers will have more opportunities if these join our other 13 angling venues which are run by licensees, angling clubs, societies and consortia. After a period of review and reflection of what was on offer by a great number of organizations during the tendering process. We are pleased to announce our new partners Aquamaintain who will be operating under than name Lee Valley Fisheries have been appointed for a three year period to run the existing directly managed fisheries listed below:
• Stanstead Innings
• Glen Faba
• Nazeing Meads
• Admirals Walk
• Ashley
• North Met Pit
• Bowyers Water
• Waltons Walk and Cornmill Stream
From 15 November 2021, these fisheries are no longer run by Lee Valley Regional Park Authority. If you wish to join or fish any of the above waters, please don’t hesitate to contact Lee Valley Fisheries on the contact details provided: fisheries@aquamaintain.co.uk
We have a vast array of other fisheries run by existing clubs and societies that really offer a varied and impressive array of different angling disciplines, catering for all budgets and fishing styles so please do look through the licensed club list and contact the organizations listed should you wish to sample what they have on offer.
What is happening to the angling venues looked after directly by Lee Valley Regional Park Authority?
We’ve changed the way we manage some of our angling venues to give anglers a better experience. After carrying out a review of the eight angling sites we directly run, we’ve decided that anglers will have more opportunities if these join our other 13 angling venues which are run by licensees, angling clubs, societies and consortia.
We feel that this is the best and most efficient way forward for the Authority while also ensuring that the angling opportunities offered remain accessible to people who currently use them and others who’d like to fish our waters.
Are you selling off all your angling venues?
No. We’ve simply changed the way that we manage angling on our eight directly managed angling venues. We’re not selling any of our waters.
Why are you doing this?
We have been managing eight out of our 21 angling venues directly, the others have been run by licensees, clubs, societies and consortia. Like all similar bodies, we continually review how we operate to ensure the best experience and opportunities for our anglers while ensuring that everything we do is done efficiently and represents value for money. We’ve decided that providing our angling activities through one method – licensees, angling clubs, societies and consortia – is the most suitable and will provide better opportunities for angling.
Will I have to pay more to fish?
Charges for the current season have already been published by the Authority, any changes for future years will be up to the new licensees to set. We cannot comment on any changes to fees that may be implemented in the future, however it is hoped that all pricing will be kept fairly similar to what it currently is.
Will there be more members on the lakes?
Season permits numbers are based on the number of swims available on each fishery, any changes to these numbers would have to be agreed by the Authority. At this stage no requests to change numbers have been made.
What is the timescale for this?
Lee Valley Fisheries directly took over the management of the fisheries on the 15 November 2021
When will the new season commence?
The current issued season permits run until 15 June 2022. Next season’s dates will be arranged by the new licensee Lee Valley Fisheries , if you have any queries or would like to know what is happening next season please direct all correspondence to the society on the list provide under licensed club tab.
I am on a waiting list for a previously LVRPA directly managed fishery, how do I find out if I will be offered a season permit?
All anglers on the current 2020/21 waiting lists have been contacted via email with contact details of Lee Valley Fisheries which will run the venue for the new season. Each fishery/venue’s contact details will appear on our website. The new licensee has agreed to take on the existing waiting lists and everyone on the list has been contacted to request your permission for us to forward your details onto them and they will contact you. We have done our best to ensure that the new licensees take in to account the existing waiting lists. Everyone already on our existing waiting list has been contacted with the relevant contact details to allow transfer of their data to the new Lee Valley Fisheries.
I have a key for a LVRPA directly managed fishery and I shall join the new licensee, do I retain my key?
We have agreed with the new organization to keep the same key system and key queries should be agreed with them in due course when they contact you.
I have a key for a LVRPA directly managed fishery and I shall not be joining the new licensee, how can I return my existing key?
These will need to be returned to us. Please email fisheries@leevalleypark.org.uk for details on how to do this.
How can I buy a permit?
You can buy a permit by contacting venue you wish to fish at. The contact details can be found at www.visitleevalley.org.uk/angling.
Will the anglers car parks be available?
All existing angling venues will continue with arrangements organised by the individual clubs as before. The new organization for the eight fisheries will contact you with parking arrangements
Will the Rules and Conditions change?
Like all angling organisations, the new licensee will have their own rules and conditions which you would need to abide by.
What about the Bailiffs?
As the Authority will no longer directly manage angling, volunteer fisheries bailiffs will no longer be engaged directly by us. Lee Valley Fisheries will be contacting the existing volunteer bailiffs and will organise the recruitment of bailiffs directly. The details of the bailiffs have been passed to them to contact and the Lee Valley Angling and Waterbodies Officer has requested that he and the new organization construct a meeting with them all to update them on the new system.